Hubby and I have been staying up way too late (like just past 11pm, gasp!) watching past episodes on Netflix streaming.
Cal Lightman, the main character is a behavioral scientist who can tell if someone is lying (and more) by watching closely their facial expressions. He and his group solve all kinds of mysteries this way.
The gradual revealing of the characters' back stories is intriguing and keeps our eyes glued to the screen until the very last seconds of each episode.
This show has got Hubby and I addicted. And tired.
Which TV series would recommend?
I would have never predicted this but my husband and I tivo'ed the entire season of The Walking Dead and watched it religiously. I think it was on IFC. A show about zombies, I can barely type it without being ashamed of the kinds of things I watch on TV... but I assure you it is actually pretty good, if very bloody. :)