Monday, January 16, 2017

Hello, Vertigo!

A week ago, I was going to write a post called, Hello, January!

But then I got vertigo and everything stopped.


About fifteen years ago, when I was a teacher, before I had kids, I had a case of vertigo.  Hubby took me to the ER because it was scary and I kept vomiting.  The doctor told me it was probably viral and would clear up on it's own.  In fact, he had just experienced the same illness, himself.  So, I went home and stayed on the couch for a week.  Then I went to work and a mom actually stayed the whole day to help, er watch me, because I was still woozy.

It's been ten days now and I am better, but not recovered.  It is very frustrating.  The best thing about having vertigo is that about all I can do is stay home and watch period dramas--at least since I have been able to watch TV again.  The worst thing, besides the discomfort, is that I couldn't take care of my family for several days and had to rely on Hubby to pick up the slack (poor guy!).  This week I'm able to drive (though it gives me a headache) and do my usual chores and errands, but it is not fun.

I remember from the last time that it took a while to feel fully normal (ha!) again, so I guess I know the drill.  But geez.  It sure reminds me to not take good health for granted.

Have you ever had vertigo?  Please commiserate (er comment) below!

DISCLAIMER:  If you experience vertigo, do what I did and CALL A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL right away.  S/he will need to rule out stroke and other frightening conditions, or have you call 911!

Happy new year.  (Maybe tomorrow I will watch this apropos film again starring my classic movie star boyfriend.)

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